Saturday, March 6, 2010

"I'll have what he's having"........

Apparently my husband took some kind of stimulant this morning, or else he's been cheating on me with his bike at night when I fall asleep. Should I be worried? Hmm.

I am not sure if there was an extra shot or two of Monster energy in his Gatorade this morning, or what. (or maybe I'm just a weenie........Charlie, you backin' me up on this one? ;)

We decided to bike outside for the first time since, ohhhhh, last August. Yeah. Trainer rides were becoming a LITTLE, ughhhh, OLD, and this was the first chance it might actually turn out to be a beautiful day, so we wanted to take advantage of it. We had a 3 hour ride scheduled, and the Ride for Orphans didn't start till 8am. It was chilly at the beginning, but we layered well and my hands/feet were the only thing that actually got cold, even though I think the ride started out at around 35 degrees? The longest option was 62 miles, so we took that option.


Off we went. The "really fast" group started off and we hung with them for oh,
maybe 2 minutes :) I was going to just draft off whoever was around Matt. The
first 20 miles were ok. I knew I wasn't used to hills, and expected a few hills
since we were in Madison. I DIDN'T expect my husband to fly up those hills
QUITE as swiftly as he did, however. He forgot his heart rate monitor/watch at
home, so he couldn't go by that. Well, buddy, I could, and my heart was
screaming "STOP child!!!!!! You'll never make it 62 miles up these hills that
fast, especially after the tough week you've had and the tiredness you've been
experiencing!!!!" But, oh no. It was either draft like a crazy woman from hell,
or get left and be out on my own. I chose option A. Bummer. I know. I was the
only woman around and didn't even know it until around mile 35 or so, when we
took a water/food break. Hmm......this isn't good. Where's girls to whine with
when you need them. I just whined to Charlie since Matt was so far up ahead
there was no way he could hear. Sorry Charlie ;)

I kept reassuring myself, "This is how you get faster. There is NO hope for you
on the swim, but you can make up for it on the bike and the run." My legs just
didn't want to agree with me at the time. I hung in there pretty well,
for our first outdoor ride with hills since last year. I gotta lot of work
to do before Canada though ;) I think I said to Matt once we got up Lake
Cavalier (my FAVORITE hill in Madison, by the way) "Canada is going to chew me
up and spit me out." I don't remember his reply. Or maybe I didn't hear his
reply b/c of the loud nostril/mouth breathing thing I was experiencing after
Cavalier. Ok, I am exaggerating. A little. ;)

The thought of doing this up Lake Cavalier DID cross my mind ;)

So, thanks dear for one heck of a ride in Madison today. In a few hours, I may
forget the visions of you ahead of me on the bike that I saw for 3 1/2 hours.

But,hey, I WILL thank you for it this tri season when I am a monster just like you on the bike. Maybe. Don't hold your breath. I love you dear ;)...........except when you're Satan on the bike ;)

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