Wednesday, May 19, 2010

If I make it till Sunday.......

..............I can finally come up for air and breathe!!!!!!!

Wow!! What a crazy busy 2 weeks it has been! Soak Up the Sun is dominating my life lately. If I can make it all in one piece until race day, things don't go too crazy, and hop in the car on our way to Memphis, we will be all ok ;) We will most likely be up till after midnight getting everything and everyone sorted out for race planning. Then, we will be up again by 3 am Saturday morning. Our plan is to leave shortly after the awards ceremony, and have our car loaded and ready to head to Memphis, to Memphis in May triathlon. This will be our first, so we're excited!!!!! The only negative aspect is that we might be too exhausted to enjoy the rest of the weekend!!!!

Say a prayer that I am all together in one piece and this race turns out to be a success like last year...........we are hoping for around 400+ racers again this's all finally coming together ;)