Friday, April 16, 2010

NOLA 70.3 race week!!

Well, all the bags are packed and we are ready to head to New Orleans after work today!! Let's hope we haven't forgotten anything:)

Why does it always seem that the week you want/need to be relaxing never seems to work out that way? (at least not for us, anyway ;)
This has been a crazy week for both of us due to work.

Just a few of the drama bits for the week------
* Got home 5 minutes after it began pouring rain Wednesday---the dogs decided to
have a mud party. Matt took Ollie in the backyard for a bath, Sadie went with me
for a bath in the front yard.
* My blackberry keyboard decided to stop working Wednesday night---I could see when
I would get a call, but couldn't answer or use the phone, because none of the
buttons worked!!!!!!! Spent a great deal of the day yesterday trying to get it
fixed without paying major bucks!! My cell phone is a MUST for work---I mainly
work out of my car and can't go a minute without it. I had 2 patient referrals
that day and was panicking that I missed the hospital's calls.
* Work tells me that I need a yearly TB test. Got this done at the MEA clinic
Wednesday. The lady tells me I need to come back after 3:30pm on Thursday. I
even asked her twice, double-checking her, telling her I needed to go out of
town early Friday. She re-confirmed. I showed up yesterday, after 3:30pm, and
they told me I was going to have to come back Friday. Wow!! Are you serious?? I
went all the way across town to get this and planned my afternoon around it:( If
it isn't read when they need it, you have to repeat both tests again, and I will
be off work Monday and can't get it read. Matt is going to try to see if he can read the test and report it on a script for my work. So frustrating. when you look at it, the week didn't really start getting crazy until
Wednesday night. Unfortunately, that's when I would have preferred the week to get calm. Oh well, can't have it like you want it in life, right?!

I did successfully pull off a lingerie shower cake for Staci's sister. She is going to come pick it up today!
I really love making fun cakes!!! I would like to take some cake decortating classes one day and learn more about fondant, etc.

Back to racing this weekend. We have put in the time and training hours (LOTS of bike trainer hours this cold winter!!!) It is going to be a very hot and windy day, just like last year. All we can do is our very best though.

There is actually about 38 MS Heat Members racing in NOLA this weekend, so it will be fun to see all the team representin' at the race ;) We are going to have a post-race party at Crescent City Brewhouse Sunday night-----looking forward to it. We will be staying until Monday this year. Coming back directly after the race last year was not the wisest idea ;)

I'll leave you with a pic of our bikes ready to roll :)

Race report to follow !!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Natchez Trace Century Ride weekend :)

Long bike rides are always more fun with friends!!! The more friends to pull or help pull the pack, the better ;)

We could not have asked for more BEAUTIFUL weather this past weekend for the Natchez Trace Century Ride. We rode 65 miles of the ride, with a 4 mile brick run afterwards. The legs are coming along nicely for both of us. Yesterday, we had another brick, this time with a shortened bike and a long run tacked on at the end. I am hoping for nice things in NOLA next weekend for both of us ;)

Last Thursday night, we had a MS Heat tri team meeting to discuss sponsors for the year, as well as speakers we are requesting for the season. We kicked it off at Pie Work, pizza by design. Good stuff!!! We got the whole back patio, by the water, to ourselves, so it was a nice night for discussion!!!!

I am SO thankful for good, faithful friends and an even more faithful,loving husband who always stands beside me. I could not ask for more blessings than I already have!!!!