Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Basal thermometers, Preseed, and Soy Isoflavones, Oh My!!!

Yep. We're trying to make a baby. But, I am learning quickly that my OCD'ness combined with my impatience isn't going to make this an easy process :)

We have been doing all the fancy stuff, such as charting my basal temp first thing in the morning, combined with all the other "things" you are supposed to do when trying to conceive. I am reading all the fancy books, such as "What to Expect Before you are Expecting", etc.  Matt just laughs at me and says "it will happen when it happens."  Yeah. True. But, if I can hurry it along in any way, I plan on giving it my best shot :)

My Obgyn said today, it's 90% God and 10% trying. Hmmm. She may be on to something there. I have a prayer taped to the inside of my car that I read every morning. It reads:

Lord, give me patience. When I am hurried, give me peace. When I am frustrated, give me perspective. When I am angry, let me turn my heart to you. Today, let me become a more patient woman, dear Lord, as I trust in you and your master plan for my life.

So, in the meantime, among the temperature charting and soy isoflavones, I'll be calming my soul with this prayer on a daily basis :)

1 comment:

  1. Be patient! Easy for me to say....I was basically pregnant the day we decided to start trying!!! I only purchased a pregnancy test on a whim...good thing I did.

    Once it happens, it will go soo fast!
    Just stay active as you can be and vary your activities. There is no better feeling then being a mommy and I am sure you will be fabulous.

    Make sure you get yourself a very nice indoor bike trainer if you haven't already...and get on that treadmill search. Looking forward to reading your pregnancy journey! Good luck!!!
