Monday, August 23, 2010

Ironman Canada Bound!!!

Well, I will have to say it seems like I would never get to the point of typing out the title of this blog. I can't believe we are leaving for Canada bright and early Wednesday morning!!!!!

We started training on January 1st----Oh, I recall ALL too well those freezing cold mornings on the bike and run, as well as throwing off my clothes as fast as I could by the pool in order to jump in before I froze my booty off :) I remember the solid 2 weeks of rain, where we were thankful we actually rode the trainer as much as we did!!!

Then comes summer: Oh boy, did summer arrive this year!!! This has been the hottest summer I EVER remember. It has been a challenge (understatement) training through this weather. There has been several death marches at the end of long runs.
I also remember the weekly "hill bound" sessions. I look back at those and smile for some reason. It was the Cassell's vs. the hills. I know we looked so strange to morning commuters in their cars as they headed to work. Up and down. Up and down. Wonder if that ol' hill misses us? :)

I have fond, and not so fond, memories of our 2 trips to Chattanooga. Mississippi vs. Chattanooga hills. What weekends they were!!! We felt so proud of ourselves for battling up those mountains and not letting our minds take over and tell us we couldn't do it.

And let's not forget ALL the many early 4am wake up calls, when we would have done anything to sleep in, but instead we woke up and completed those Tuesday and Wednesday morning bricks.

How about the Sunday morning recovery rides? Matt and I both agreed that those were our favorite rides. There was something so peaceful about waking up and taking an easy bike ride over the Reservoir, watching the sun rise over the water. It was so peaceful :)

Somehow, this Ironman training seemed to go by faster though than Ironman Florida. Maybe it was because we had lots of friends to train with? Maybe it was because it was in the peak of tri season? Who knows.

I decided to make a list of things I am thankful for before heading out to Canada: I plan to read over it before next Sunday morning :)

* I am thankful that Matt and I get to share these memories together. Every training swim/ride/run. We can look back on all of this and say, "remember that day when?........" Misery loves company, right? ;) As we move forward with our lives and start a family, this may be the last time we can do this. We will most likely be forced to train separately a great majority, if not all, of the time.

* I am thankful I am healthy enough to do this, and that neither Matt, nor I , has ever been injured through training.

* I am thankful that God uses us to possibly inspire others to stay healthy and possibly pick up the sport of triathlon. I hope God can use us one day to inspire our children to do something they love that is also healthy for them.

* I am thankful we have a supportive family and group of friends through this long training period. It's not easy to understand Ironman training; It's definitely not easy to listen to us whining over the constant fatigue of Ironman training :)
Every weekend consists of getting up before daylight and training long hours every Saturday and Sunday. We miss seeing our families often and I am ready to see more of them when Ironman is over.

*I am thankful for our growing triathlon community. Great friends have been made through this hobby. I love seeing the tri team grow larger and larger each year :)

*I am thankful to be able to travel various places to participate in these events. Not everyone can do that; I don't want to take it for granted

That's just a small list. I could go on, but I won't :) I am looking forward to traveling to Canada, not just for the race itself, but for the memories we can make together with our friends; memories that we will look back on one day and cherish for a long time. There is something to be said of the strong bond you share with someone else doing an Ironman. It's not the words you speak, so to say; It's the pain and perserverance that you share as you swim/bike/run the same path that day; everyone is pushing to cross that finish line just like you. You wouldn't understand it unless you are in it.

Please pray for us this Sunday, August 29. It will be a long day for sure, but we are trained and we are as ready as we will ever be. Check us out live at if you want to see what it's all about.

I'll leave you with this Bible verse--------

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the suffering so that you may be overjoyed when the glory is revealed." 1 Peter 4:12-13

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! We will pray for you guys. Have a safe trip :-)
