Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stressed spelled backwards = Desserts

So, is that why I am craving sweet things ALL the time lately? Or could it be due to the massive Ironman training we have been doing? Or maybe it's a little bit of both ;) Last time I trained for a full Ironman I told myself that I was going to eat very healthy and clean...........yeah.....that didn't work out so well. And, to no surprise, I told myself I was going to get that part down to an art this go-around......hmmmmmmmmm..I'm still workin' on it :) You would think, "She's a dietitian. She can get her act together." Well, it's one thing to KNOW what to eat and what you SHOULD's another thing ENTIRELY to do it. Practice what I preach. Do as I say, not as I do. I heard a little tip from a woman's triathlon traiing forum once----It involved not trying to deal with weight loss when training for an Ironman. It is rare that you find women that lose weight during Ironman training. So, all you ladies out there who think you want to do an Ironman just to get in killer shape and have a kick-butt body, sorry :) It unfortunately doesn't work that way in my experience!!!

I just can't explain it---when you combine the exhaustion of Ironman training with your uncontrollable appetite because of all that exhaustion, trying to eat clean sounds a lot better in theory than actually following through on eating clean. You tend to become so exhausted that your reward either becomes enjoyable food, not neccessarily healthy food, or you are just to tired to care what you put in your mouth. I'm to that "just don't care right now" mode. At least I'm getting the training in, right? :) I hit almost 20 hours last week-------that's HUGE for me :)

Work has been a little more busy than usual due to Lincare hiring another RD to help me out :) I am, needless to say, ecstatic over this!!! It was becoming extremely stressful to market and see all the contacts per day that I needed to, as well as see my patient referrals in different towns, etc. I can now solely market and provide inservices, etc. the majority of the time, while our clinical RD sees patients and helps out with the clinical paperwork, computer work, etc.
The biggest stress for me right now is that I am having an EXTREMELY slow month :(
Wouldn't you know the month they finally hire help is the same month that I have my slowest month since I began almost 3 years ago. I pray that it picks up-----It's no fun to be worried about not having enough patients and having to justify that in a monthly progress report after they just hired someone to help you :(

Heatwave Triathlon Race Report------ Much better race for me than Memphis in May a few weeks earlier. Still not my best performance, due to training straight through until race day, but I did improve by 7 minutes, so I'll take it :) It was a fairly choppy swim this year, compared to last, and there was a nice headwind coming back on the bike. The run was once again, hot-----thus, the name HEATwave ;) My age group keeps getting more and more competitive, with lots of triathletes coming from Louisiana and Tennessee. I just have to keep reminding myself to gauge my improvement from my past times and performances, not on the performances of my age group. That keeps it lots more fun and allows me not to let my over-competetive nature come out!!!!
Matt had another frustrating race (according to him). He still does very well, but when you look at all of the training we have been enduring through for Ironman Canada, it's frustrating sometimes when you don't have a satisfying race and actually see your work pay off.

The post-race Heatwave party at Danny and Jackie's home keeps getting better and better every year.........I'm actually starting to enjoy the after-party that night better than the Heatwave triathlon itself ;) lol!!

The "Hostess with the Mostest" ;)

Long course and short-course triathlon training are 2 different beasts-----Maybe after I get pregnant and return to training, I can focus on short-distance racing and see if I make improvements, without having the stress and exhaustion from long-course on my back to wear me down. Then again, a baby might be wearing me down with 0 sleep for the night and I might be lucky to get any training in at all--------I'll take that road as it comes :)

Triathlon season and Mississippi Heat triathlon team is still as busy as ever-------It's just that time of year. When I'm not training for Ironman Canada or working, I'm usually getting speakers organized for the upcoming summer months of triathlon season. VERY busy lately with this!!!!

The summer heat is becoming almost unbearable. We actually had to cut our long run down Sunday morning because we couldn't bear the humidity and sun blaring down on us. It was horrible!!!!! Almost 100% humidity. We started our long bike ride at 5:30 am Saturday morning------got in 100 miles, which we were very proud of, considering that wasn't the length we intended on pushing to that morning when we began.

I was excited to have an article in the Clarion Ledger about the tri team---I was a little sad that they didn't put the group photo in the paper, because I know a lot of the members came together a few nights before the article came out, in order to get the group photo made, with intentions of thinking it would be in the paper. It was still a great article, nonetheless ;) Click on the link below for the article:
Triathlon: These athletes in a league of their own | | The Clarion-Ledger

Well, that's about all that's going on right now. I really need to learn to slow down and breathe a little sometimes :) Workin' on that one............if anyone has any advice, I'm all ears ;)

I'll leave you with our puppie's recent summer haircuts (or shall I say, shaves?) Poor babies........they have a complex :) Gotta do whatcha gotta do to keep them cooled off in this crazy Mississippi weather we call Summer ;)

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